Contains:  Solar system body or event
Full Solar Disk - March 12th, 2023, Andrew James Steinmetz

Full Solar Disk - March 12th, 2023

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging
Full Solar Disk - March 12th, 2023, Andrew James Steinmetz

Full Solar Disk - March 12th, 2023

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



Second attempt done in the early morning before the atmosphere heated up too much keeping seeing low. Finally got the whole disk in my mosaic without the clouds spoiling things! So big improvement over my prior attempt. There's a pesky mote of dust or something on my optics making an annoying artifact though. Oh well. I'm sure happy with how this one turned out and I think the narrowband filter helps a lot to bring out contrast in just 500nm visible light. Besides the sunpots, you can make out the photosphere faculae (bright spots) on the outer edges which are only visible through the photosphere because of limb darkening. Faculae-plages spideweb across the whole sun, but you can't see them in the central region (at least in visible light in this bandwidth) because of the photosphere. In the future I'll consider getting a Lunt Calcium K module (true CaK filter) or Baader K Line filter (not true CaK, but still an improvement) for more bright spot hunting.



Full Solar Disk - March 12th, 2023, Andrew James Steinmetz